Creative Digital Media


Innovation, research, discovery, passion. Science impacts many aspects of our lives, which means career opportunities in this field are limitless.  Whether you’re interested in chemicals, forensic science, research and development or clinical trials, a career in science and pharmaceuticals will put you at the centre of a growing and vital industry. Push the boundaries, make new discoveries and understand the world to its fullest.

Studying science with us will allow you to explore, experiment and invent using our specialist science labs. You will investigate a broad range of scientific disciplines giving you a comprehensive background in all scientific areas, making it as easy as possible for you to decide what you would like to specialise in after college. Evolve your education into a career by studying Science & Pharmacy at Cheadle College.

What courses are available

Creative Digital Media
Level 1
Introduction Certificate

Creative Digital Media
Level 3 Diploma

Creative Digital Media
Level 1
Introduction Certificate

Creative Digital Media
Level 3 Diploma

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